The Final Foster Five Things I've Learned this week for 2016. Goodness. A year! I made the commitment to you and myself to really pay attention and remember that learning and growth exists every single day. And then I committed to share it. Every week. No matter what- travel, work, crazy schedules, sickness--- they got done. I started in September of 2015 and here we are, December 2016. So much learning.
So, here we go.....December 31st Foster Five:
1. Take a walk. And make it a gratitude walk. List off those things you are grateful for while you move. I promise you will experience a positive shift in your thinking.
2. Rest. The wisest do.
3. There are times when we just get stuck. Acknowledge it. Then jump back in. It's part of the process and we gain so much wisdom from the process.
4. The sea calms the soul.
5. Every day offers a beautiful new opportunity to see, experience, or be the miracle.