- A good sign of a person's heart is truly how welcoming they are to another.
- Go ahead and be stubborn when it comes to your goals. Don't let up.
- Please don't downplay YOU.
- Your gifts can’t expand beyond you if they are not shared.
- Take the necessary time to sort out what is truly important. Only you can do so.
Foster Five---April 1, 2017
- Keep going. Even when you can't physically see it--- the dream, that thing you desire. It is there. That dream. It's in your heart. It's in your mind. It's part of your soul.
- Accept the compliments you receive.
- Treat yourself with compassion. No matter what.
- Brick by brick. That's how you achieve the goal.
- We can immerse ourselves in everything inspirational and obtain tons of useful information, but it doesn't do anything or mean anything if we don't apply and practice.
Foster Five---March 25, 2017
You have a wonderful internal compass. Use it.
Step away from what no longer brings you peace.
Trust is a sacred gift to give and receive. Honor it.
We learn when we fall and when we soar.
Tell yourself you are ready. Then, own it.
Foster Five---March 18, 2017
1. Time, sweet precious time, is a most treasured gift. Let's love it for the gift it is and gives.
2. We can rise up or sink down. The choice is solely ours.
3. Step into stillness and you will find your way.
4. It's up to us how we live our one precious life.
5. Listen.
Foster Five---March 11, 2017
- Some will criticize. Some will applaud. Neither define YOU.
- Beautiful Truth: miracles can be found in mistakes. Open your heart to see.
- Ruminating over a mistake only forces you to relive the mistake. Let it go.
- When we take steps of faith, our destinies will become so much clearer.
- Some days have "sharper edges" than others. Those "sharp edged" days encourage us to appreciate the "smooth edged" days even more.
Foster Five---March 4, 2017
- Healthy relationships have strong, healthy boundaries.
- Believe you are destined for greatness. Remind yourself daily.
- Act lovingly. Talk lovingly. Think lovingly.
- Some people are capable of receiving what you give. Others are not. Don't let it stop you from giving.
- Get rid of self imposed limitations.
Foster Five---February 25, 2017
- When we worry, we're powerless. Let it go.
- Be passionate about your life. Don't apologize. The world needs you and your passion.
- Time spent sorting out what is important and what is not is time well spent.
- If it's forced, it most likely will not last.
- Be clear about what you want and need.
Foster Five---February 18, 2017
1. Give with a pure heart.
2. The sea fills the soul in many ways.
3. Time spent alone is not selfish. It's necessary self-care.
4. Be authentically you. Always.
5. Spend time with those who lift and respect you.
Foster Five---February 11, 2017
- The unexpected happens. How we handle it speaks volumes.
- We are here to lift one another when we fall. Sometimes you are the lifter. Sometimes you are being lifted.
- Middle school teachers are some of the most patient, understanding, flexible, and resilient individuals on this planet. Period.
- Step out and be the "welcomer." Talk to people. Avoid standing on the "sidelines" hoping someone else will do it. Let it be you.
- Words can build or break. Remind yourself and those in your life to choose words that build. It matters.
Foster Five---February 4, 2017
Show up and be seen.
Show grace to others. You never know when it will be your turn to receive.
Sometimes we just need to find a quiet space and "be."
It is more than OK to hit the pause button.
Remind yourself daily of your gifts. And then, share them.
Foster Five---January 28, 2017
- When struggling to find the answer, we should listen to ourselves. We already have the answer within us.
- The promise you make to yourself is one of the most important you will ever make.
- Avoid seeing a crises as insurmountable. We can't change the fact that very stressful events happen, but we can learn to change our response.
- Recognize and honor your beautiful bravery.
- Sometimes you have to write it out to figure it out.
Foster Five---January 21, 2017
- If you don't speak up, no one can hear you.
- We all need to stop fearing and hiding our bright light. Shine!
- Make yourself and your dream a priority. No one else is going to do it for you.
- Revisit your victories when you need a little boost of motivation to move forward.
- Often we must go beyond our comfort zone in order to realize our dream. It's uncomfortable and scary often times, but it's worth it. Promise.
Foster Five---January 14, 2017
- What we fill our minds with and who we spend our time with matters. Choose wisely.
- Hope. Hold on to it with both hands.....even when everything else seems to be slipping through your fingers.
- We lose as soon as we step in to a defensive mode. Every single time.
- Laugh. Make it part of your day. Part of your life. It changes your mood instantly.
- Notice and appreciate the differences between you and others.
Foster Five---January 7, 2017
Happy First Full Week of the New Year!
We all have blind spots.
It doesn't matter if others don't believe in your dreams. It only matters that YOU believe in your dreams.
Abundance begins in the mind.
Pay attention to the pause.
Create. Just because you can.
Foster Five---December 31, 2016
The Final Foster Five Things I've Learned this week for 2016. Goodness. A year! I made the commitment to you and myself to really pay attention and remember that learning and growth exists every single day. And then I committed to share it. Every week. No matter what- travel, work, crazy schedules, sickness--- they got done. I started in September of 2015 and here we are, December 2016. So much learning.
So, here we go.....December 31st Foster Five:
1. Take a walk. And make it a gratitude walk. List off those things you are grateful for while you move. I promise you will experience a positive shift in your thinking.
2. Rest. The wisest do.
3. There are times when we just get stuck. Acknowledge it. Then jump back in. It's part of the process and we gain so much wisdom from the process.
4. The sea calms the soul.
5. Every day offers a beautiful new opportunity to see, experience, or be the miracle.
Foster Five---December 24, 2016
Laugh as often as possible.
Be present. This exact moment won't come again.
Acknowledge your own feelings and thoughts as much as you do others.
There is so much peace found in being still. Sometimes
we simply need a gentle nudge. (thank you, Kandace)
Foster Five--- December 17, 2016
- Never underestimate how comforting your kind words are to another in need.
- Trust yourself. You know.
- Share your stories. Listen to another's stories. We learn and grow from doing both.
- Courage is not always loud.
- Love big!
Foster Five---December 10, 2016
- Hidden blessings can be found in troubles and challenges.
- Share your heart.
- Stop waiting to start. Go!
- Look for the treasures in each day.
- Self awareness it the key to growth, peace, and becoming grounded in every area of our lives.
Foster Five--- December 3, 2016
- Be a Noticer.
- Miracles aren't always big and loud.
- If we only live by waiting for the next big thing, it's hard to pay attention to the space we're in. Remember, magic lives in that space too.
- If you are working on creating something big, be at peace with the process.
- One of the most beautiful sounds ever heard are church bells ringing.
Foster Five--- November 26, 2016
1. Get busy on all of the possibilities that are patiently waiting.
2. When you listen, listen with your heart, not just your ears.
3. Reframe a situation positively and watch your joy grow.
4. If you want to be good at something, you have to actually do it. Yep. Dreaming without action won't cut it. Practice it.
5. Live in gratitude.